
That’s not my Neighbor

In That's Not My Neighbor you take on the role of a building's guard, adding a thrilling twist to the job simulation genre. Your primary objective is to protect the building's residents from human-imitating monsters disguised as ordinary tenants. By meticulously checking their identities and employing keen observation skills, you ensure the safety and security of all within.

Game Mechanics and Rules

The gameplay revolves around a unique identity check system. Tenants wishing to enter the building must present their credentials for your scrutiny. Your task lies in discerning genuine residents from the cleverly disguised monsters. Look for subtle inconsistencies in behavior, appearance, or identification details to expose these imposters.

How to Earn Points or Progress

Successfully identifying and preventing monsters from entering the building earns you points and progresses you through the game. Each level might introduce new challenges, such as increased number of incoming individuals, new monster types with enhanced deception abilities, or limited resources.

Tips & Tricks

Stay Vigilant: Maintain constant awareness of everyone entering the building. Even the most perfect disguise can falter under scrutiny, so be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior or inconsistencies in their actions.

Learn the Patterns: Familiarize yourself with the regular residents' routines and behavior. By recognizing their usual activities and timeframes, you can easily spot potential imposters who deviate from established patterns.

Utilize Available Tools: The game might offer various tools like ID scanners, surveillance cameras, or special revealing devices to aid in your identification process. Use these tools strategically to gain extra insights.

Trust Your Instincts: Sometimes, your gut feeling is your best ally. If a particular individual gives off an uneasy vibe or seems out of place, trust your intuition and investigate further.

Prioritize Threats: Not all monsters pose the same level of threat. Focus first on identifying and neutralizing the most immediate dangers to minimize potential harm to the building's occupants.

Maintain Composure: As the difficulty escalates, the pressure may rise. Remain calm and collected to make sound decisions even in stressful situations.

Seek Assistance: Certain characters within the game might be willing to collaborate with you. These NPCs can offer valuable assistance in identifying imposters and ensuring building security.

Adapt and Evolve: Be prepared to adjust your strategies as you encounter new challenges and diverse enemy types. Embrace adaptability and explore different approaches to overcome these obstacles.

Manage Resources Wisely: Whether it's ammunition, energy for gadgets, or time, utilize your resources strategically to maximize your efficiency as a guard.

Take Breaks: Remember to replenish your mental resources by taking periodic breaks from the game. Guarding against monsters can be mentally demanding. Taking time to recharge will enhance your focus and performance in the long run.

Using Mouse and Keyboard Controls

That's Not My Neighbor primarily relies on mouse and keyboard controls for gameplay. While specific controls might vary based on the game's version, these general guidelines should provide a basic understanding:

  • Mouse: Use the mouse to navigate menus, interact with objects, and select individuals for ID checks.
  • Keyboard: The keyboard might be used for entering commands, using specific tools, and potentially accessing additional menus or information.

Remember, these are just general guidelines. Always refer to the game's in-built tutorial or help section for specific and up-to-date control information. With these tips and guidance, you're well on your way to becoming a vigilant and successful doorman in That's Not My Neighbor!

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